Sunday On The Rocks written by Theresa Rebeck was performed in June 2019 as a workshop and considered the first production in HER Theatre Company’s maiden season.

Original Promotional Poster From Production
Praise For Sunday On The Rocks
“Watching HER Theatre Company is a GREAT time! They’re a group of truly talented ladies.” - Summer Meddock
“Thoroughly enjoyed the production of Sunday On the Rocks! The use of the venue was innovative, exciting and well thought out. Casting was excellent with each actress well suited to the individual roles.Moving, funny, poignant and completely enjoyable! Thank you for a delicious afternoon of theater! An A+ production.” - Cindy Pandza
“I really enjoyed the play "Sunday on the Rocks." It had the advantage of being up close and personal with acting talent as good as any blockbuster I've seen. Thoroughly entertaining. I'm happy I went” - Bridgette Brown
“I loved "Sunday on the Rocks!" Funny, challenging, warm and smart! A very talented cast, great direction, and a unique and awesome front-yard venue. It was much more than I expected. I give it a 10 and an A+!” - Bob Martinez
“Your beautiful but simple venue worked fantastically on a beautiful night. Very well written & even better performances; hands down acting!.” - Michael Doran
“What a great show, and truly what an idyllic venue! - Madeline B. Schussel