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Swiped the Musical -> Click HERE To Read Play
Swiped the Musical is a world premiere one woman show original musical operetta that is contemporary fairytale for a 21st century audience about the life of Polly, a meticulous millennial planner, navigating singledom in the world of online dating.
Genre: Original Musical / Comedy / Operetta.
Structure: One Act / One Woman Show.
Length: 24 pages
Characters: One millennial aged (25-35) woman.
Pieces of Carra -> Click HERE To Read Play
Pieces of Carra, is a world premiere one woman show musical journey about embracing the inevitable question; The more you resist your parents, do you ultimately become them? They say one can never go home. But if one chooses what will they find? Pieces of Carra explores a bi-racial daughters love for her mother through moments of music and memories as she discusses topics of race, religion, and forgiveness. With a perfect blend of joy and sorrow, the promised warmth of Pieces of Carra will make you feel like you’re right at home. Pieces of Carra is a visceral piece of theater that pays homage to mothers everywhere.
Genre: Dramedy / Musical / Memoir.
Structure: One Act / One Woman Show.
Length: 25 pages.
Characters: One millennial aged (25-35) bi-racial (Half Black / Half White) woman.
Dumped In The City -> Click HERE To Read Play
When Haley moved to New York she thought her life would be as glamorous as the HBO TV show Sex and the City. When her relationship ends with the “love of her life”, her 3 best friends show up to help her pick up the pieces.
Structure: Short One Act Play.
Length: 14 pages.
Characters: 4 millennial age young women: Haley (25), Wendy (23), Angela (25), Jen (26)