General Artistry Blog:
Carly Pandza - Filmmaker, Writer, Actress - Renaissance Woman
Full of various poems, short stories and thoughts related to being a multi-disciplinary artists in the entertainment industry.
Travel Blog:
Where In The World Is Carly San Diego?
Follow Carly’s journey through poems, short stories and journal entries as a guides a group of undergraduate students to build a social entrepreneurship in the rural community in Gottenburg, South Africa for 2 months in 2013 as well as the training leading up the trip.
Lifestyle / Health / Cooking / Food Blog:
Bald Vegan(ish)
Flirting freely with creating in the kitchen and beyond. What’s Up With The Bald? I’m bald and I freakin’ love it! What’s Up With The Vegan? Sometimes I’m Vegan. What’s Up With The Ish? Flexibility and compassion is needed on this journey to our own Nirvana.