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Title: Give and Receive
Genre: Drama
Length: 6 page scene
Characters: Two women
Logline: A young woman waits to have an abortion until an unexpected stranger causes her to reconsider her choice.
Title: Pick Up
Genre: Dramedy
Length: 4 page scene
Characters: Two women
Logline: Jill's teacher recommends AA and Jill celebrates by going to a bar at 11:30AM. At the bar, Jill meets Jack, a confident lesbian who is interested in her romantically. The kismet encounter leaves Jill wanting more and open to seeing Jack again.
Title: Perfectionist
Genre: Comedy
Length: 5 pages
Characters: Two men
Logline: Walter is a control freak and a perfectionist who doesn't like people. Walter finds an unexpected friend and connection with Mark, a bartender at his favorite, neighborhood bar.